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Understanding who you’re selling to, and what they want, is the first step of a high-converting website. We then craft a customer journey that’s made up of small steps, with one step always providing value and leading to another.

Who and what

Ideal client persona defined (or multiple, if you have multiple clients).

Ideal client persona defined (or multiple, if you have multiple clients).

Your product/service is valued enough by your ideal clients to pay your asking price.

Your product/service is valued enough by your ideal clients to pay your asking price.

Baby steps

Every page on your website has a purpose and a clear, primary next step.

Every page on your website has a purpose and a clear, primary next step.

Baby steps are used to help strangers become customers.

Baby steps are used to help strangers become customers.

Lead magnet

At least 1 lead magnet (LM) has been created.

At least 1 lead magnet (LM) has been created.

Your LM solves a small problem fully (no part solutions) and well (no useless fluff).

Your LM solves a small problem fully (no part solutions) and well (no useless fluff).

Your LM is in an easy-to-consume format (eg. video, checklist, quiz etc).

Your LM is in an easy-to-consume format (eg. video, checklist, quiz etc).

Your LM has a clear next step if your potential client wants more help.

Your LM has a clear next step if your potential client wants more help.


The hard work happens before writing any copy – knowing who you’re talking to and what their problems and desires are. Good copy then helps your readers feel understood and know how you can help.

Know who you’re talking to

Your website shows your solution is made just for your ideal clients.

Your website shows your solution is made just for your ideal clients.

All your website copy is about your clients and their needs.

All your website copy is about your clients and their needs.

Know what to talk about

You simply explain what you do, who you help, and how you help them.

You simply explain what you do, who you help, and how you help them.

You convincingly show why someone should choose you/what makes you different.

You convincingly show why someone should choose you/what makes you different.

You show a lot of proof (3+ types) that you’re good at what you do in multiple places.

You show a lot of proof (3+ types) that you’re good at what you do in multiple places.

You explain how your clients can get started and how you achieve their results.

You explain how your clients can get started and how you achieve their results.

Each webpage clearly shows a primary next step and potentially a secondary next step.

Each webpage clearly shows a primary next step and potentially a secondary next step.

Main client objections are addressed on the page and the secondary ones in the FAQs.

Main client objections are addressed on the page and the secondary ones in the FAQs.

Know how to talk

All text is short and to the point (stories are the exception). Ever heard of TLDR? There’s a reason people summarise...

All text is short and to the point (stories are the exception). Ever heard of TLDR? There’s a reason people summarise...

All text is easy to read and flows well.

All text is easy to read and flows well.

Simple language is used through out the website.

Simple language is used through out the website.


Good looking design influences how good people think you are at what you do. Easy-to-use design impacts how many people give up because they can’t find what they’re looking for or your website is too hard to use.

Good looking design

Your website looks good to your target market.

Your website looks good to your target market.

Your website's look and feel matches your pricing and how you want to be perceived (eg. premium, thrifty).

Your website's look and feel matches your pricing and how you want to be perceived (eg. premium, thrifty).

Your website uses colours, corner radiuses, icons, images, etc consistently.

Your website uses colours, corner radiuses, icons, images, etc consistently.

Easy-to-use design

Your website is straightforward, opting for ease of use over fancy looks and animations.

Your website is straightforward, opting for ease of use over fancy looks and animations.

Your website uses well-made videos to introduce your product or service.

Your website uses well-made videos to introduce your product or service.

Your website guides your viewers eyes through things in a logical order.

Your website guides your viewers eyes through things in a logical order.

The next steps you want your website visitors to take are clear and easily visible.

The next steps you want your website visitors to take are clear and easily visible.

Your navigation bar is easy-to-use, always visible, and thinner than 100px.

Your navigation bar is easy-to-use, always visible, and thinner than 100px.


Is there anything worse than a page not loading or not being able to find what you’re looking for?! A fast, easy-to-use website is key to delivering your message. Having good tracking analytics is key to knowing what’s working, what isn’t, and when something is broken.


Basic analytics are set up (Google Analytics or Plausible).

Basic analytics are set up (Google Analytics or Plausible).

Advanced behaviour analytics are set up (Mouseflow or Hotjar - we prefer Mouseflow).

Advanced behaviour analytics are set up (Mouseflow or Hotjar - we prefer Mouseflow).

Social media insight tags are set up (for Facebook, Tiktok, Linkedin etc).

Social media insight tags are set up (for Facebook, Tiktok, Linkedin etc).

Page speed

A Google Page Speed test has been run and the performance issues have been fixed.

A Google Page Speed test has been run and the performance issues have been fixed.

Images are converted to .webp or .svg and made a fixed size.

Images are converted to .webp or .svg and made a fixed size.

User experience

The website’s sizing and layouts readjust well for all devices.

The website’s sizing and layouts readjust well for all devices.

There are no spelling or grammar errors.

There are no spelling or grammar errors.

All links work (check here).

All links work (check here).

Meta data is included (meta title, meta description, and open graph images).

Meta data is included (meta title, meta description, and open graph images).